lunes, 21 de mayo de 2018

How technology is shaping the future of education

Technology has previously been seen as a disruptive influence in the classroom, but this perception is changing because Innovations in education technology have greatly changed every aspect of our lives in the last several years. Learning has become fun with more online courses, where students feel convenient as even the exams have gone online. For this reason more and more teachers are using technological tools to change the traditional way of teaching, so then, will be shown below a mind map that contains a great deal of information about technology and its influence on education. But, What is a mind map? A mind map is an easy way to brainstorm thoughts organically without worrying about order and structure. It allows you to visually structure your ideas to help with analysis and recall.

Without a doubt the technology of the future will surpass our imagination and be a great help for teachers, but I believe there will be drastic changes in teaching, caluculators will replace the traditional methods of caluculating mathmatics, the same will happen with other áreas. Teachers will teach where to find the information rather than how to use it.

viernes, 11 de mayo de 2018

My first blog entry

Hello, welcome to my blog
This is a blog in which we can find four different types of activities created in educaplay with the aim of learning more about this tool, it is very useful and at the same time fun. Here we will be able to develop four different activities. If you want to learn more about Educaplay here is the link.

First Activity

It is a matching game activity, the teacher is given a list of words that must be grouped into categories. The categories could be pairs of words, such as synonyms, countries and capitals, or vocabulary and definitions. Or they could be larger groups, such as types of animals or parts of speech. But this activity is about baby animals, let´s do it.  
Second Activity

The objective of this activity is to match pairs of items. Each item can be text, an image, or audio. The student identifies the matching pair by clicking on the two items that form it. Now, we are going to learn about the organs of the human body through the matching mosaic game.


Third Activity

The Fill in the Blanks activity consists of filling in the missing words of a given text. The text can be phrases, sentences, or even full paragraphs. In this case we will complement the paragraph by using the verb "get".

Fourth Activity

The Video Quiz activity gives you the ability to intersperse interactive questions throughout a YouTube video. It also allows you to combine several videos into one new video. The activity is a sequence of video segments, each followed by a question that prompts the student for a response.

sábado, 5 de mayo de 2018

Simple Present

The simple present tense is used to talk and describe activities that we usually do in our everyday life.  junk food