viernes, 29 de agosto de 2014

How would you deal with error correction in your classroom?

When you have a group of students is common that you used different techniques during a class or after the class to indicate their errors. During an activity (role play, oral tests, quizzes, written tests, etc.) you could listen the variety of common errors that the students commit while they are speaking or when they writing something. But, not only you can correct them but also they correct themselves. It is a self- correction and it happen when you make a mistake and immediately you correct yourself. Likewise, there are others ways to correct errors: self-correction (I have already mentioned it), student-student, teacher-student, small group, all class, course book. In my classes, I use teacher-student correction because in that way I help them to learn about the correct pronunciation or writing of the words. To learn English is not easy, maybe it is the reason because some of my students do not pay attention but I try to encourage them to learn English in an easy way. When they make a mistake I do not tell them at the moment I wait after their participation and then I correct them with all the class. In that way they do not feel embarrass at the moment. When my students make a mistake I try to correct them in a respect way but after their opinion because if I correct the students while they are speaking, they could lose their ideas and it is not the purpose.

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