viernes, 12 de septiembre de 2014

II.      Palmer writes: “ My ability to connect with my students and to connect them with the subject, depends less on the methods I use than on the degree to which I know and trust my selfhood—and I am willing to make it available and vulnerable in the service of learning” (p.10). What does it mean to rely on your selfhood rather than methods?

Now day there are a variety of techniques and methods that can be used in the classroom that help teachers to increase student interest in learning each knowledge. When implementing a technique or method is necessary to know about this not just use it without prior knowledge, because if we just trust in what we might be able to pass on what we know but we will have a concrete base about as teaching a class in the right way, that is why if the proper development of a class known methods and techniques must be used since they are guides for the teacher. The methods and techniques not only serve as a guide but we also teach us how to interact with students and how to keep up with the class, since not all students feel like they are different and therefore need different techniques for each. So as Palmer suggests connect with her students through their own knowledge without relying both the methods used and to the extent that students are interacting and knowing as each time to take a class but also as a person they they are able to trust one's individuality, and one has to be accessible, respectful and sympathetic to them but not only within the classroom but also outside of it, so to use the methods and techniques appropriate they will learn from a complex manner without ignoring our individuality for optimal learning.

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