viernes, 12 de septiembre de 2014

Jane Tompkins discovered that her goal as a teacher had been to put on “performance,” thus distancing herself from students and subject (pp.28-29).  Do you identify with her self-criticism? If so, do you share Tompkins’s diagnosis of fear as the driving force behind this distancing? In what ways other than “performance” do teachers set themselves apart?

Well, I have never felt that I was superior from my students contrary sometimes when I am in front of my students I feel insecure because I think that they are not going to understand my classes it is really difficult to me because I feel very nervous and it always stress me but I am pretty sure that I will improve my knowledge also I will overcome all my fears because the most important of wish to be a good teacher.

During my life as a student I have seen that there are different kinds of teacher and I can say that some of them are good teacher and some of them are bad teacher but we have to take the best from them and abolish the bad. Some teachers try to intimidate their students in base to their knowledge but others try to increase their learning.
On the other hand, there are some teachers that always are looking for the better for their students and do everything for to increase their abilities.  

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