viernes, 12 de septiembre de 2014

III.    Reflect on your earliest encounters with teaching.  If you are drawn to teaching, when did you first feel drawn to it? What was it that drew you? What within you was evoked by teaching—its values, its methods, the way it names and frames reality? What does the nature of teaching reveal about who you are? If you aren’t, share a story about one of your favorite teachers.  What do you recall most vividly about that teacher? What was his / her relation to the subject taught? What was the ethos of his/ her classroom?

When I was in high school had a good English teacher. He engages my classmates and me to be the best students. I remember that I used to hate English because it was difficult for me and I was really shy. But he motivated me to overcome my fears and to try to do my best in everything.  So, when I choose the career that I study now it was difficult but my mom and my English teacher were who motivate myself to study the professorate. At the beginning I don’t accept the idea that one day I have to be in front of a group of students, I used to think that it could be the worst thing in the world. But in the second year of the professorate I went to INSA for the first time it was a meaningful experience. First of all, I could observe my tutor’s classes and in that moment I felt a little bit happy to be there because I learned some techniques to implement at the moment to teach. I motivated myself to teach because while I was observed I interact with some students. I could know about their needs, their weakness and their abilities. So, the moment to teach arrived and I felt nervous because I didn’t know how my students were and if they could be understand my classes. That day was fantastic for me, I overcame my fear and I enjoyed the class. In that moment, I loved my career and I am sure that it was one of the best experiences that I have never had. I tried to answers all the students’ questions and I correct them in a respectful way. It motivated me to study hard to get good grades and one day to be a good teacher, but it won’t be possible if my mother and my teacher did not engage me to study that career. But the students are an element really important in this process because they are my inspiration to want to investigate and study more and more to share my knowledge with them. I know teach is not easy but if you enjoy it and love what you do, it could be successful for you. As a result, it makes me a better person because now I don’t think only about, now I think about how to encourage my students to be a good learners and to believe in their dreams, because if they have a specific goal in life they want to achieve that goal I am going to change their bad habits into a good habits of thinking. In that way, I could teach to the students not only specific topics but also I am going to provide them tools or models as successful people to become a unique, dynamic and a persons who improve their skills to get the results that they want. It is one the things that motivate me to want to be a teacher. 

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