lunes, 22 de septiembre de 2014

II.     Palmer writes, “Good teaching is an act of hospitality toward the young, and hospitality is always an act that benefits the host even more than the guest” (p. 50). In what specific ways do you think a teacher has to be hospitable to students? In what ways do they treat them as unwelcome guests? How do teachersbenefitfrompracticinghospitalitytowardstudents?

Actually, I think a teacher should be hospitable with all the students, because each of them have different life styles, so we as teacher must intervene in their feelings, actions and thought. In that form we will help them not only in side of the classroom but also outside of this.  Because a teacher is not only a facilitator, the teacher is a model, too. Likewise, the students learn through our actions. It is a mirroring if we are hospitable our students will be like us. As Palmer wrote, “Good teaching is an act of hospitality toward the young, and hospitality is always an act that benefits the host even more than the guest”we must be kind with all of students. We don’t have teachers’ pets because it can cause some problems and we must to be respectful with them. We must to encourage our students to be the best in all the areas. But not all the teachers are in the same way, they have different method to teach and some of them don’t care of the students’ feelings and actions. They don’t have the opportunity to share with them and the students need our advice every day, but if you don’t know anything about their personal life you don’t have the opportunity to help them. And to share their personal experiences, their feelings, to know about their families will help us a lot, because in that form we could understand their students’ behavior and how can we do to help them to change that behavior. It is good because if you can change their bad behavior in an interactive and good way they will be different person so, you will have successful classes.

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